Monday, July 27, 2009

new adventures

went exploring with some of my friends to some weird place in the woods. we found a small building with what looked like coordinates. the dates were from 1969 to 1977. there were a bunch of missile bases and coordinate bases in jersey during the cold war so we are assuming this is one of them. also other weird shit.

we also went to the famous blue hole. wasnt anything special. we also went to the triboro
sand quary and got chased by cops.

and we went to some abandoned mansion that my friend lived in for like 2 months for some odd reason.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


check this shit out. a short lived comic by MITCH CLEM. cheered the shit out of me.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

adventure into an abandoned orphanage

me and friends explored an abandoned orphanage(or what remains of it) on old indian cabin road off of route 70(for you nj kids). kinda cool. not many roofs though, just graffiti. SUPER CREEPY when you are lacking flashlights.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

collective white kid graffiti.

fuck we get bored over here,.!@#$%^&*

vivitar v335

attempting to start photography with a stolen fifteen year old camera.

gates o' hell

for all you new jersey kids you might have heard of the infamous GATES OF HELL. located in clifton nj it is an old stone underground tunnel that supposedly leads to all sorts of exciting shit! one door leads to an old whiskey distilery that used to use it during prohibition. other doors lead to satanic rooms with dead goats and giant crucifixes(crucifi?). most of it is flooded so we were not able to do everything. we found a pokemon card though!

bansky in new orleans

i was bored in new orleans so i came up with the brilliant idea of adventuring around new orleans and look for shit. a suburban white kid walking around the ninth ward with $120 in his pocket:not the greatest idea.